Friday, February 7, 2014

The Birth and Life of Opera

I was never one to like Opera, understand it, or really appreciate it. After watching this documentary, I now have a better understanding for Opera and where it all began. Opera began 400 years ago in Florence, Italy, and most of its origins begins there. Opera is the Italian word for "work". Opera over time went through different Era's and through the era's Opera changed over time. Opera's were created to put on a musical show, with using vocals, stage sets, and a cast, to tell a dramatic story. Opera's became a way to portray important life message about social, political, and cultural issues. 
The Camareta," was a mixed bunch of" artists, writers, poets, philosophers, and scientists. It creates an art form combining music, poetry, dance, drama, and design in the manner of a Greek tragedy. 
Controversy in Opera began when Mozart produces an opera version of Beaumarchais' banned "Le Mariage de Figaro."  Mozart uses musical drama as a way to portray powerful messages. Opera's also focused on class struggles. The works of Verdi and Wagner," turn operas into nationalist propaganda." This created problems, and years later their operas are exploited by Mussolini and the Nazis. 
Popularity in Opera today includes the messages of Monteverdi's and his operas back then. 
Opera is significant and important to understand because without Opera we wouldn't of been able to influence Broadway and what it is today. 

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